Mikołaj Wilczek

Senior Mobile Developer | Expert in Native & Hybrid (React Native, Ionic)


Experienced Mobile Developer with over 10 years of expertise in both native (Objective-C, Swift, Java, Kotlin) and hybrid (React Native, Ionic) mobile applications. Proficient in working with both legacy and modern UI frameworks. Additionally skilled in web development using Angular and React, and adept at setting up project infrastructure with Docker. Passionate about integrating technology across multiple domains, including 3D printing and electronics. Seeking to leverage my diverse skill set to deliver innovative mobile solutions.


Senior mobile developer

Tellent (formerly Recruitee) | May 2020 - Present

Companion App for Applicant Tracking System

A mobile app focused on quick, frequent operations on the go. Team: Sub-team of 5 within a development team of 40+

Responsibilities:Maintain, deploy, and develop the mobile and PWA; monitor performance and errors; research user needs; organize work tasks; maintain app infrastructure

Achievements:Increased product awareness and independence; tripled user base; improved startup performance by 50%; developed custom native plugins; reduced technical debt

Tech stack:Angular, Ionic, Capacitor, Android (Kotlin), iOS (Swift), Elixir

React Native and React developer

Monterail (Software house) | Oct 2018 - Apr 2020

Luxury Fashion Browsing App

Fashion browser tailored for luxury fashion retail companies. Team: 4 member team

Responsibilities:Develop and deploy the application; create prototypes and proof of concepts (PoC); consult on technical limitations

Achievements:Successfully utilized the latest technology stacks; delivered exceptionally fast prototyping

Tech stack:Redux, Expo, React Native, React, Airtable, Firebase technologies, Android (Java), iOS (Objective-C)

Fintech + HR Application

Hybrid application for customer experimental wage-related processes

Responsibilities:Implement and deploy on iOS and Android platforms; make minor improvements to the website; assist with task management

Achievements:Successfully navigated tight project deadlines; improved effective communication with the customer; balanced team capabilities with project requirements

Tech stack:Expo, Ruby on Rails, Postgres, Android (Java), iOS (Objective-C)

Multiplatform Business Communication App

Facilitate business communication across various platforms (smartphones, PCs). Team: 6 Team members, Agile - Scrum

Responsibilities:Implement frontend app for all platforms; deploy frontend apps

Achievements:Worked with early version of libraries; overcame tools limitations; creating components with minimal platform differences

Tech stack:React Native for Web, NodeJS, Postgres, GraphQL, Android (Java), iOS (Objective-C)

Parking App for Shopping Malls

App providing a seamless, ticketless parking experience for shopping mall visitors. Team: 4 members, Kanban

Responsibilities:Develop web and mobile app; reconstruct documentation; consult with stakeholders on the project direction; collaborate with cross-continental teams

Achievements:Provided a seamless, ticketless parking experience; development within a very limited budget

Tech stack: Redux, React Native, React, NodeJS, MongoDB, GitHub, Git, Android (Java), iOS (Objective-C)

Mobile Game - Charity Encouragement

A simple game with the goal of promoting charitable contributions. Team: 3 members, waterfall

Responsibilities:Provide consultation and mentoring, address framework constraints and mobile store requirements

Achievements:Delivered a reasonable performance; pushed react-native to its limits

Tech stack:React Native, Android (Java), iOS (Objective-C)

IoT and Android developer (R&D Specialist on Grant Project)

Wrocław University of Science and Technology | May 2017 - Nov 2018

Heat Detection in Cows

Project aimed at improving cow health and milk production by gathering and analyzing data from cow collars. Team: 6 members (including 4 lecturers)

Responsibilities:Conduct hardware testing and Android app development; deploy and program cow collars; create auxiliary software for data gathering; mediate between requirements, software capabilities, and hardware constraints; research and document findings

Achievements:Successfully addressed connectivity issues within metal barns; implemented complex algorithms for electronic devices; created comprehensive research documentationl; developed effective Android applications for data collection;

Tech stack:Android (Java), Bluetooth 4.2/5, R, Python, C++, BLE scanning libraries, nRF51/52 dev kit, Redmine

iOS developer

Human Device (Small software house) | Jun 16 - Sep 17

Truck Fleet Management App

System for the efficient management of truck fleets and cargo. Team: 11 members, Kanban

Responsibilities:Research periperal devices; process requirements; address user app issues; maintain CI/CD for mobile apps; delegate task

Achievements:Communication with barcode scanners and printers; enhanced app accessibility

Tech stack:Android (Java), iOS (Swift), Google Maps API, GCM, Alamofire, Retrofit, GitLab, Postman

Food Delivery Mobile App

Developed an app for connecting couriers, restaurants, and users for food delivery. Team: 18 members

Responsibilities:Engage with stakeholders to address technological and cultural constraints; organize work tasks and synchronize Android and iOS features; onboard and mentor new developers;

Achievements:Sucesfully coordinated the team; delivered the app on time

Tech stack:Android (Java/Kotlin), iOS (Swift), Google Maps API, GCM

Android developer

Human Device | Aug 14 - Jun 16

Apps for renewable energy management

A suite of apps for managing renewable energy devices. Team: to 6 memebers

Responsibilities:Communicate with client's backend team; develop and deploy android applications; clarify requirements with the client; maintain inter-app communication

Achievements:Successfully delivered an app compatible with the client's ecosystem

Tech stack:Android (Java), PHP, Git

App for browsing available items in shops

An app to cache and search for available items in shops, eliminating the need for an internet connection. Team: 6 members

Responsibilities:Develop frontend and backend applications

Achievements:Created a custom ORM to improve development iterations through a complex caching system

Tech stack:Android (Java), Subversion, Java EE, Spring


Master's degree (2018)

Wrocław University of Science and Technology, faculty of Computer Science and Management - information system design

Bachelor's degree (2017)

Wrocław University of Science and Technology, faculty of Electronics - software engineering

Notable skills

Polish (Native) English (C1) German (A1) Oracle Certified Java Programmer (v7) IoT knowledge Bluetooth Low Energy 3D printing CNC machining Engineering and organizational skills Basic Electronic Basic 2D graphics 3D modelling